Unusual places that need line markings

Line markings are essential for safety and organisation in a wide range of places, including roads, car parks, factories, and workplaces. However, there are also many unusual places where line markings are required.

At Parallel Lines, we provide all these line marking services and more. Here are just a few places where line markings are important and play a vital role in improving safety:

Railway Station Line Markings

Line markings on railway station platforms help to keep passengers safe by indicating where to stand behind the yellow line and where to avoid walking on the hatched areas. Line markings can also be used to indicate where the train doors will be when the train comes to a stop.

It’s not just the platform where line markings are required at a train station. Their car parks need to be able to cater for a large volume of people and be effective at directing drivers during busy periods.

Line markings can be used to achieve both and can also ensure the car park is suitable for all users. Disabled parking bays, electric car charging spaces, motorcycle parking and areas where people can lock up their push bikes all require line markings.

Finally, level crossing markings are also important to keep the general public safe.

Level crossing markings need to be bold and visible for drivers and pedestrians, to ensure their safety when crossings are being used.

Driving Test Centres

Driving test centre car parks are used for a variety of manoeuvres during a driving test, such as parallel parking, reversing around a corner, and bay parking. The line markings in these car parks need to be accurate and easily visible for nervous drivers being tested, to help them carry out the manoeuvres as accurately as possible.

Here are some specific examples of line markings that can be found in driving test centre car parks:

  • Parallel parking bays: These bays are marked with two parallel lines, with a space in between for the car to park. The driver needs to park the car between the two lines without touching either of them.
  • Reversing around a corner: This manoeuvre is marked with a series of cones or other markers that the driver needs to follow. The driver needs to reverse the car around the corner without hitting any of the markers.
  • Bay parking: This manoeuvre is marked with a bay that the driver needs to park the car in. The driver needs to park the car centrally in the bay and within the marked lines.

In addition to these specific markings, driving test centre car parks may also have other line markings, such as:

  • Directional arrows: These arrows help drivers to navigate the car park safely and efficiently.
  • Zebra crossings: These crossings allow pedestrians to cross the car park safely.
  • Disabled parking bays: These bays are reserved for vehicles with disabled parking permits.
  • Electric car charging spaces: These spaces are reserved for electric vehicles to charge.


Airport car parks are used by a large number of people from all over the world. They need to be able to cater for a wide range of vehicles and be effective at directing drivers during busy periods. Line markings can be used to achieve both and can also ensure the car park is suitable for all users.

Here are some specific examples of line markings that can be found in airport car parks:

  • Parking bays: These bays are marked with lines to show drivers where to park.
  • Directional arrows: These arrows help drivers to navigate the car park safely and efficiently.
  • Zebra crossings: These crossings allow pedestrians to cross the car park safely.
  • Disabled parking bays: These bays are reserved for vehicles with disabled parking permits.
  • Electric car charging spaces: These spaces are reserved for electric vehicles to charge.
  • Pick-up and drop-off zones: These zones are reserved for vehicles to pick up and drop off passengers.
  • Taxi ranks: These ranks are reserved for taxis to queue.

In addition to these specific markings, airport car parks may also have other line markings, such as:

  • Loading and unloading zones: These zones are reserved for vehicles to load and unload cargo.
  • Bus stops: These stops are reserved for buses to pick up and drop off passengers.
  • Short-term and long-term parking zones: These zones are marked to show drivers where to park for short-term or long-term stays. Line markings are also used on airport airfields to help pilots land safely.

These markings include:

  • Runway markings: These markings indicate the centre of the runway and the edges of the runway.
  • Taxiway markings: These markings indicate the centre of the taxiway and the edges of the taxiway.
  • Holding point markings: These markings indicate where aircraft must stop before taking off or landing.
  • Threshold markings: These markings indicate the beginning of the runway.
  • End-of-runway markings: These markings indicate the end of the runway.

Line markings are an essential part of airport car parks and airfields. They help to ensure the safety and efficiency of these important facilities.

Helicopter Landing Pads (Helipads)

Line markings are also required on helipads.

A helipad is a landing area or platform for helicopters, providing a clearly marked hard surface away from obstacles, where aircraft can safely land.

Helipads can be found in several places. Large ships and oil platforms typically have a helipad on board for emergency use. Helipads are also a common feature at hospitals, for air ambulances to land safely and get patients the help they need.

Line markings are mainly used on helipads to help pilots locate these safe landing spots from the air. Therefore, the line markings need to be bold and easily visible.

They can also be used to display numbers to indicate the weight limit of the pad, and to indicate the maximum rotor diameter in feet. These line markings prove vital for pilots, as they will help determine whether the helipad is a suitable place to land safely.

Theme Park Line Markings

One final place where line markings are needed is at theme parks.

Like airports and railway stations, theme parks often have very large car parking facilities for visitors. Therefore, these car parks require line markings that make the best use of the available space, make navigating the car park easy, and ensure the car park caters to all users.

Line markings can also be used to mark out pedestrian safety walkways and zebra crossings in theme park car parks. These markings show visitors where they need to walk from their car and get them to the theme park safely.

Inside the theme park itself, line markings can help keep visitors safe and allow them to navigate the park.

Markings can be used to indicate where visitors need to queue, while directional arrow markings can help to show the visitors where they need to go when exiting a ride, to ensure they exit safely.

Find out more about our line marking services

No matter what type of line markings you require, Parallel Lines can help.

We provide a wide range of car park, road and workplace line marking services to help improve safety and warn your staff, visitors or customers of any potential hazards.

We can also help you prepare the ground and clean your surfaces prior to install, to ensure your new line markings have the longest possible service life.

If you need line markings for your car park, factory or workplace, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert team today for a no obligation written quote, or just for our expert advice.